Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living

KDDL Course™ Series - ELEMENT-3 / Shiftmasters™-2 Part-1



Summary – ThrU'-ah Body Activation Stage 7B – Expedited “Pan-Pan Dance” Activations Schedule

8 Steps of Pan-Pan Dance EarthCync™-Hosting Yourself Home via your Eff-E'-Mah Eternal Quantum - Sep 22 - 24 2015


In KDDL-2 / ShiftMasters™-2 Introduction – Steps 1-3 Completed

In KDDL-3 / ShiftMasters™-2 Part-1:

    4.   Flashing the Seals of KaLA' O'c-Sha-TA': (TrhU'-ah Body Stage-1)

    5.   Quan'ta Rha-Ta'-Dha (“Quantum Stading Rotation”) Alignment. (TrhU'-ah Body Stage-2). The planetary Quan'ta Rha-Ta'-Dha Alignment engaged 3/2015, and will continue in “layers” following the planetary 8 stages of TrhU'-ah Body Activation through the 900+ years of the Krystal River Fail Safe Host.

    6.   Opening the Pana-KHY Passage and Firing the Pan-Clair'-ah Ma-sha-yah Silver Seed: (ThrU'ah Body Stage-3).

    7.   Expedited Silver Seed Embodiment & Quanta Rha-Ta'-Dha (“Quantum Standing Wave”) Merkaba activation; Activates Round-1: External-Ananda Cycle- Violet Shield Flows and Round-2: Internal A'yhea Cycle-Green Shield Flows of the Pan-Clair'-ah DhA-yah-Tei Planes. (Cathedrals: 5- Violet- R1 & 4-Green-R2/ “Adashi-1 ThrU'-ah Flows). (ThrU'ah Body Stage-4).


    1.   Completion of “Cracking the Shell of Contention”.

    2.   A look at the 1st Octant Cycle 2012-2020 of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host

    3.   New insight into the European Grid Sets & KHY-Site 5

    4.   A Very Special Journey projection-activation


Offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness, ailment, disease or affliction.
All materials © E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas & ™ 2014-2015 ARhAyas Productions, LLC.
All program content & techniques representAMCC-MCEO-GA Theoretical Perspectives